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作为精神科心理健康执业护士(PMHNP), Kalena温赖特 provides her patients with an extraordinary level of compassion 和 care. This dedication stems from trials that Kalena faced in her own life; trials which have helped shape her into the empathetic, 她现在是一位敬业的护士.

Kalena’s interest in the mental health field stems from her need to help others.

“我是一个善解人意的人,”她说. “我想知道为什么一个人会有这样的感觉, 我想知道怎样才能让他们感觉好一点.”

With her daily responsibilities requiring her to ask patients some of the most personal questions you can imagine, 卡莱娜以同情的态度对待每一次互动, 同理心, 和理解. It’s this mindset that ensures a consistent level of care for every patient she serves.


Kalena成为PMHNP的旅程并不容易. Completing her education was full of obstacles 和 moments 在哪里 she could have given up. From losing support in caring for her one-year-old son to facing the emotional struggle following domestic violence, 还有严重的健康问题, Kalena made the daily decision to move forward 和 not quit on herself.

Despite having to balance two jobs—including plenty of 10- or 12-hour long shifts—plus two different childcare schedules for her son 和 her own school schedule, 卡莱娜相信一句咒语,这句咒语激发了她的决心.

归根结底,我问自己:“你有多想要这个??,然后每天回答这个问题,她会注意到, adding that “I am the first 和 only college graduate in my family 和 getting my degree is a goal I was not going to give up on, 无论如何.”

的挑战, 虽然非常困难, were lessened by the support she had from the Herzing community — support that helped to lift her up even in the moments 在哪里 she felt alone.


忆及她与贺晶员工关系的重要性, Kalena acknowledged the incredible validation she received from her advisor, 艾丽西亚. Her words 和 actions helped ground Kalena during tougher most difficult moments. 失去工作后, the financial burden of trying to afford college began to add an additional layer of stress, but 艾丽西亚 和 the Herzing support team were there to help Kalena secure the needed financial aid — a career lifesaver. 因为这一点,还有其他教员的支持, 工作人员, 同学们, Kalena完成了她的学位.

“你可以对一个组织或一个人说谢谢, but in moments like that there is nothing you can say that can express your actual gratitude,卡莱娜说。. “It’s important that students underst和 that when you enroll at Herzing, 你们将会得到一如既往的关怀,直到毕业.”

有些人可能会认为,这样一所高度专注于网络的学校, hybrid learning program could struggle to provide the necessary resources to keep students engaged. Kalena’s experience at Herzing suggests that nothing could be further from the truth.

说到在线课程, Herzing真的给了学生不一样的体验,她解释道, sharing how she was able to excel in her MSN-PMHNP program 和 still commit the time needed to work full-time 和 care for her son. “They provide you with the flexibility to take classes on a schedule that works for you. You don’t miss out on the critical parts of the knowledge or experience you’ll need after you graduate. 你接受了很好的教育.”


随着Kalena继续工作和发展她的事业, 她见证了医疗保健领域的许多技术进步. One area that she hopes becomes more fully embraced is the use of artificial intelligence (AI) 和 the applications it could provide to both the classroom 和 in outpatient settings.

“I know there is some reluctance to use AI because of the fear that students will use it in unethical ways, 但如果使用得当,它可以成为一种不可思议的资源. Part of our role should be educating students in the proper, ethical use of it,” Kalena acknowledged. “Using AI to filter through study materials to determine what you need the most help with or scanning patient medical information to assist with a timely diagnosis; AI has the potential to be an incredible tool for those who know how, 在哪里, 以及何时使用它.”

展望未来, Kalena is eager to continue providing exceptional care for her patients, while also working to be a reliable part of their own committed support system. Many patients believe support is limited to people they see every day or someone accessible 24/7, 但事实并非如此. 即使她一个月只和他们见一两次面, Kalena wants patients to know that she 和 others in her role are always in their corner, 为他们加油.

Kalena继续作为PMHNP蓬勃发展, her advice to students interested in pursuing an education at Herzing is to trust the support they have here 和 pay it forward to the patients they will care for.

“Just take that first step 和 know that you will be taken care of,” she said. “If I can go through everything I went through 和 come out on the other side with a degree 和 the confidence to give all of myself to the people I work with, 任何人都可以做. 你可以做到的.”




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